We had green beans for supper last night from our garden! Michaela could only pick this much... because she was being eaten alive by mosquitoes. Those darn little bugs! We could have picked 5 or more ice cream buckets full. Hope we have better luck picking today!!
I had that problem when I was picking peas earlier this summer. I had to wear long pants, long sleeve shirt and LOTS of Off.
Just snapped a whole sink full of beans tonight. But after making relish I decided I was going to try and save them for canning after work tomorrow. I always can beans the same day I pick. I hope they will be ok. Thanks for stopping by! Did you check out my posts about my chickens? It is a new adventure for us this year.
Love your pictures. Ted looks so serious. I think he's wondering where all these other animals came from! I once had a Beatrix bunny, who after about six months became Benjamin bunny! Isn't garden produce the BEST!
Would you set up a rss feed? I would like to follow along on a daily basis.
Good blog, by the way!
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